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Mican's Profile


Mican's Profile

I'm Mican! I love Ehime Prefecture! Nice to Meet you!I'm Mican! I love Ehime Prefecture! Nice to Meet you!

Mican's Profile
Name Mican
Official Position Deputy Governor for promoting smiles
Birthday November 11th, 2011 (Dog's day)
Birthplace Ehime
Personality Bright and overflowing with curiosity. Optimistic and carefree
Profession Public Relations
Best Features Heart-shaped nose and orange blossom on her tail
Favorite Food Anything from Ehime Prefecture. Especially mikan (mandarin oranges)!
Likes Sports, Traveling, and Eating
Wants Friends who will help promote Ehime Prefecture!

How Mican's Name Was CreatedHow Mican's Name Was Created

  • Mi from 'mikan' + 'kyan' from a dog's bark

    Mican's name is formed from the Japanese sounds "Mi" from mikan (mandarin orange) and "kyan" from the sound a dog makes when it barks.

  • Pronounce 'Mikyan' = 'Mican'

    By changing the way it's pronounced, Mikyan becomes "mican" which also makes it a pun in Japanese.

  • The 'can' pronunciation of Mican = 'I can' in English

    kyan pronounced as "can" includes the meaning of "to be able to do" giving Mican a positive spin on it's name in hope that it will try many different things.


Check Out Mican's Self-Introduction Video!

I want everyone to watch it!


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