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Dark Mican's Profile


Dark Mican's Profile

I'm Dark Mican! Heh!Heh!Heh! Let’s figure out how to mess with Mican all day today!I'm Dark Mican! Heh!Heh!Heh! Let’s figure out how to mess with Mican all day today!

Dark Mican's Profile
Name Dark Mican
Birthday Unknown
Personality Unkind and obstinate
Profession Bothering Mican
Best Features The scar on his forehead and the "D" on his tummy.
Favorite Food Anything with mold on it. Especially moldy mikan (mandarin oranges)
Likes Seeing Mican having difficulty with something
Wants Bad friends who will help Dark Mican get in Mican's way
Doesn't Like Cheering and support for Mican & the aroma of citrus raised in Ehime


Check Out Dark Mican's Self-Introduction Video!

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