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Komican's Profile


Komican's Profile

call me Kommy! I want to see everyone smile!call me Kommy! I want to see everyone smile!

Komican's Profile
Name Komican
Birthday & Birthplace Komican was born when a group of happy children's smiles came together giving birth to them
Personality Komican loves to have fun and is cheerful
Profession Making children smile
Best Features Sparkling eyes, rosy cheeks, and the sprout growing from it's head
Favorite Food Sweet mikan (mandarin oranges)
Likes Seeing friends smiles
Playing with Mican and Dark Mican
Doesn't like Staying still
Wants Time to play with friends and a new bib

Go to Dark Mican

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Go to Mican

Go to Dark Mican

Go to Kodark

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